Pilates & Diastasis Recti

When beginning to exercise and do Pilates with diastasis recti, we want to be working in a neutral pelvis and spinal position - taking out flexion, extension, and rotation. We want to be focusing on transverse abdominis - the deepest layer of the abdominals, which helps in stabilization of the whole lumbo-pelvic area

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Kelly Stock
The Earth Element

Like Mother Earth, the earth element supplies the nourishment that sustains life. It is the digestive power that transforms raw food material into the fuel for body and mind; the constant provider and the hearth around which the body gathers.

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Kelly Stock
The Fire Element

The fire element is associated with the season of summer, and represents the warmth and joy that this time of year provides. Just like fire itself, the fire element holds the energy of rapid and upward movement, and provides a sense of warmth and light. It symbolizes the energy of inspiration, spirituality, love, excitement, and joy.

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Kelly Stock
The Wood Element

The wood element is associated with the season of spring, the bursting forth energy of new life - the starting phase of nature’s cycle. Just like new plants grow towards the light in the spring months, the wood element holds the energy of that directed movement - the energy of beginnings, birth, sprouting forth. It symbolizes the energy of innovation, freshness, initiative, flexibility and determination.

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Kelly Stock
Soft Opening

I will be opening for in-person acupuncture appointments beginning this coming Sunday. This will be a soft opening, as I will begin by seeing patients only on Sundays, but hope to expand from there.

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Kelly Stock