The Wood Element

The Wood Element.

The Wood Element

Like a military commander who strategizes and implements, the wood element regulates the circulating resources of the body, assuring the maintenance of smooth and easeful flow.

Its archetype is that of the pioneer, who desires purpose, enjoys a challenge, values fervor, action, and initiative.

The wood element is associated with the season of spring, the bursting forth energy of new life - the starting phase of nature’s cycle.

Just like new plants grow towards the light in the spring months, the wood element holds the energy of that directed movement - the energy of beginnings, birth, sprouting forth.

It symbolizes the energy of innovation, freshness, initiative, flexibility and determination.

The Wood Element is associated with:

  • trees,

  • the color green,

  • the Liver and the Gallbladder (which when healthy can help you to imagine, plan and then take action),

  • the tendons and ligaments of the body,

  • and it’s associated emotion is healthy anger (which gives the impetus to change).

When the Wood Phase is not in balance, the movement and flow within the body can be out of balance:

  • This might look like lethargy alternating with frenetic energy, mania, or depression.

  • It might look like anger that becomes excessive, or consuming.

  • Or timidity, lack of direction, or indecision.

  • Physically one might experience headaches, tremors, problems with the nerves, tendons, and ligaments.

Some ways to support the Wood Element of your body:

Moving your body (even if just gentle stretching or leisurely walking)

Eating dark leafy greens, sprouts, and fish all nourish the blood and liver.

Spending time in nature, connecting with the natural beauty and the movement of trees.

Cleansing and tonifying herbs such as dandelion, peppermint, and milk thistle can be helpful here - however, I always recommend connecting with a practitioner before introducing any of these.

What influences the Wood Phase?

The wood element is nourished by the water element (water nourishes wood by moistening it), and the Metal element restrains the Wood element (metal restrains and inhibits wood by cutting it).

Therefore when we see issues arising in the Wood Element, we will also often look to see if it is being properly nourished by its parent element (Water) or if its is being insulted by its controlling element (Metal).

The Wood Element is nourished by the Water Element, and can be insulted by the Metal Element.
  • Therefore when we see issues arising in the Metal Element, we will also often look to see if it is being properly nourished by its parent element (Earth), or if its is being insulted by its controlling element (Fire).

The Five Elements

The 5 Elements (Phases) are nothing but symbols to describe the different movements that transpire within the dynamics of yin & yang, and the energetics and processes that occur within our human physiology - as the forces that govern and rule the natural world, are the same forces at play within our individual bodies.

At its core, Chinese medicine is a holistic medicine that originated from looking at and observing nature.

It is a science of symbolism.

Each of the 5 elements captures a certain movement, a certain motion, observed in the natural world; and each has its own energy characteristics within us (physically, emotionally, and spiritually).

In this medicine, health is understood as a state of being in harmony with nature, and aligned with the greater natural world.

We all embody all 5 elements, and when in health they are all mutually enhancing and regulating.

When out of balance, certain elements can become destructive and insulting or deficient and stifled.

Understanding the elements can help reveal where our bodies or psyches are needing support at any given moment in time.

Curious to Learn More?

1) Check out the rest of the element summaries here. Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water. Since all the elements live within all of us, it can be helpful to understand how they each interact.

2) Want to dive deeper into your own personal patterning? Get your own personalized reading & report here.

3) Wanting to work together 1 on 1? Shoot me a note and let's see how I might be able to help you.

Kelly Stock