Tending to Our Immunity

Red bird in a winter storm, tending to out immunity.

As we head into the Holidays and more shutdowns, I have decided to re-open Cultivating Immunity for the next couple of weeks.

There are many simple practices and tools in here that can help you keep your, and your family’s, immune system as resourced and strong as possible.

When I was deep in the healing process of recovering from one of my leg surgeries, I had been going to see my acupuncturist in Charlottesville, Virginia twice a week for a little under a year, while finishing my undergraduate degree.

As I was getting ready to return home to California, I asked her what I could read to better understand how the treatments had been helping me. She referred me to a book that I bought and read cover to cover within a few days.

The way it laid out looking at our bodies (as an extension and part of nature and the natural world) resonated so deeply.

I quickly found and started reading various research articles by the founding professor at the National University of Naturopathic Medicine, Heiner Freuhauf, L.Ac, and Ph.D.

At that point I was all in, and shortly after moved up to Portland, Oregon to begin studying this medicine.

There is so much healing that this field offers, simply in its paradigm of understanding our bodies and how to cultivate health.

It is obviously a massive topic, but I have attempted to consolidate the most useful and helpful information to share with you in regards to cultivating immunity right now.

I hope it serves you.

Kelly Stock